Installation Tip:
1. For DEEP joints or cracks you can first use sand (polymeric sand will work well locking in the base and holding in place while our product is installed), stone dust or backer rod (make sure it's the closed cell, high heat type). If you choose to use sand, a simple trick I learned is to fill the crack with sand, and then run a shop vac over the joint. The shop vac is only able to pull out the top ½’ of sand providing you with an even ½" deep crack for the Crack Stix to be inserted to!
2. I have some larger cracks, some at concrete-asphalt junctions. The width can be up to 2 inches or as deep as 3/4 inch. Can I use crack-stix to fill these? the video says any size crack can be filled, but I just have to fill it with sand first to 1/2" depth. We don’t’ recommend anything wider than a 1 ½”. For a gap that wide we would recommend Quick Patch H20 as it will need the structural strength to fill that void.
3. In repairing a crack, if the crack is still a little lower than 1/16", can I add a bit more crack-stix and apply more? That is, can two layers of crack-stix be used or adhere to itself? Yes, multiple layers can be applied.
4. Why does the crack-stix have to be 1/16" -1/8" lower than the surrounding surface? Why can't it be level? The reason we recommend to keep in lower is the product can get soft in the summer months when temperatures are at their highest. By keeping it below the surface it eliminates the possibility of a hot car tire sticking to the material and lifting out.
5. Are there any similar products for alligator cracks? Trowel Patch is the best item to use on alligated areas.